Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Day 167

too much road construction

This afternoon I needed to take my aunt to a doctor appointment to follow-up her angina attack/hospital stay last week. We had 40 minutes to drive the 2 miles. Plenty of time. Wrong! It took us 35 minutes to make the trip. Cars backed up and not moving. Road construction. So I went a longer route but still it was very slow going. 

Yes, I was stopped when I snapped this photo. I didn't think to take a picture in time when I was in the middle of the mess! And this is on my way home.

My Aunt Eileen turns 94 next week. She is surely slowing down. She was quite tired by the time we got back to her assisted living facility. I got her a Wendy burger and Frosty since she would likely be a bit late for dinner. She ate it in her room where she could relax. Thankful she is still hanging in there!

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