Monday, October 17, 2016

Day 291

out it goes....Dave doesn't like it

I actually purchased this almost 3 years ago and after trying it for a short time, Dave hated having an electric blanket on the bed, so off it came. It has been sitting in our closet ever since. It is time to find it a new home.

As the colder days will be arriving, I decided I should try again. SO...I bought an electric mattress pad. Dave wasn't thrilled, but I really wanted this to be the right solution. FOR BOTH OF US! I must say, I AM HAPPY! He put in on the bed after it arrived and since I've been a bit chilled with this cold, I found it amazingly warm and comfy when I slipped into bed that first night. And each night since! Dave was sure HE wouldn't use it on his side, but since thisproduces a very low heat and doesn't make the bed sweltering hot he has been using it set at 2 out of 10. It is also a bit plusher than other mattress pads so you cannot feel the wires. That was a big reason I purchased this one.

In the summer I LOVE having cold crisp sheets on the bed as it is refreshing to pop into bed and not be stuffy hot. I still like nice crisp sheets (I'm not a flannel girl) and am hoping that this mattress pad doesn't malfunction and lasts for many years. I am thankful Dave is relatively content with this mattress pad. He had heard that you shouldn't put an electric pad on a Tempurpedic mattress. I've read mixed reports. Some say it doesn't affect the way the foam works and that there is no problem. Tempurpedic of course says DON'T DO IT! Tough. It is done. And I am happy.

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