Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Brig, Switzerland

Thanks to Sharon's husband for suggesting that we stay in Brig for 2 nights. We had never heard of Brig and I'm not sure how Ron came up with the thought we should go there, but what a great idea that was! On the train from Leeds Spezia,we had a 24 year old sweet girl sitting across from us and we had a delightful time getting to know her. She is a student, lives in Lusanne, Switzerland, and was raised in Italy on the border with Austria. We have found many helpful people on this trip who are more than willing to help us onto and off of trains, advise us as to what to see, where to eat, etc.

Anyway, when we arrived in Brig we immediately, saw the Victoria Hotel right across the street, and decided to check the price. It was $130 per night and though I thought that was a steep price, we agreed that since it was so convenient we should try it for one night and see if we could find something cheaper. As it turned out, others were $170 and $190 per night so we were happy with what we found.

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