Thursday, September 23, 2010

Myron Baby Girl #2

Here are a few photos of Shauna's newest daughter. Her parents are still in the process of making sure they have selected the correct name for her, so for now she is baby girl #2! Aside from not having an official name, she is a delight and perfect in every way. Official Stats:

Born: Wednesday, Sept. 22nd at 7:57 am
Weight: 7 lbs. 12 oz.
Length: 20"

Here are some photos of her at 2 hours old! Dave, Hailey and I came to the birth center in Kirkland and brought some breakfast for them. We only stayed a few minutes and about 2 hours after we left, Pete and Shauna and baby girl #2 were packed up and driving home. Right now, all is pretty quiet in the Myron household. Shauna is resting and Pete has been doing a super job of caring for the needs of his family. I'm on call and ready, willing and able to lend a hand when needed without allowing myself to be a nuisance!! I did stop by for a bit this afternoon so I could spend some time holding my new granddaughter and then I played with Hailey for awhile. I came home when it was time for Pete to put Hailey down for a nap.

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