Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Generation Y First Time Buyers

What is Generation Y? Well, that would be the under 30 year old. The Seattle Times has a good article in today's paper about just what this generation is looking for in a home. Plus, this age group is quite knowledgable about the house buying process. After all, they have grown up with computers and know how to use them! The average age for purchasing their first home is 26, which is 3 years younger than the Gen Xers and Baby Boomers. And just what are they looking for? Surprisingly, they want simple, built green and a low maintenance small lot. They want to be free from all the upkeep that a mini-mansion requires. I wonder in 15 or 20 years, if they will opt up for the same type houses that they were raised in as kids. Check out the link below if you'd like to read the article for yourself!

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