Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Have you heard of Cohousing?

If not, you might want to read the article that was in Saturday's Seattle Times:


Although it sounds something like the communes of the 60's, it is a more rational solution to the need for people to live in a friendly and helpful community. These are usually folks who believe that living in a smaller space is better than having excess and they own their own home, whether attached or detatched depends on the community. Amazingly, according to the artilce, the Seattle area has about 15 (out of 90 nationwide) already established or forming communities and is one of the top cohousing centers in the nation. Who knew!? The article features a couple in their 80's who were instrumental in planning Jackson Place and eagerly moved in in 2001 after it was completed. This type of living isn't just for the older folks, but younger familes and singles all are part of these communities. Doesn't this sound like a great thing for people who move away from their parents? It gives their children surrogate grandparents, right next door!

If you are interested in learning more, whether for right now or sometime in your future, you may want to attend an informational meeting on February 20th from 1 to 3 pm at Jackson Place Cohousing, 800 Haiwatha Pl. S, Seattle. Questions? Go to: www.seattlecohousing.org

Perhaps you and your friends will discover a new way of living, as you develop your very own community!


mmhere said...

To find out more about cohousing, go the the web site of the Cohousing Association of the United States at http://www.cohousing.org/.

Matthieu said...

A solution to consider! For a view from within, watch the documentary "Voices of Cohousing" that won a award at 34th ekotopfilm festival 2007 and officially selected at 9th Gold Panda Award festival 2007. trailer available at http://notsocrazy.net/video.html